The Golden Rule of Commas

Welcome to the Grammar Minute, where we're saving the English language sixty seconds at a time! I'm Lauren Smyth, and I'm here to talk about the golden rule of commas. It's giong to be a lot simpler than it sounds? Are you ready? Here it is: When in doubt, don't use them.

Let me explain. People are often tempted to put commas in places they don't really belong. A common mistake, for example, is to put them between dependent clauses, such as: I went to the store [comma] and then the park. This is an unnecessary slow-down for your reader, and it can convey separation of ideas that really shouldn't be separated. If you say a sentence out loud and don't stop to take a breath, you probbaly don't need to put a comma there.
Give your reader the freedom to skim. Don't slow them down, and don't waste ink. If you're not certain whether your sentence needs a comma, chances are - it doesn't. In writing, it's better to be a "fast talker" with fewer commas than a "slow talker" with commas every few words.

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