Weird & Wild English, Part II

Welcome to the Grammar Minute, where we’re saving the English language sixty seconds at a time! I’m Lauren Smyth, and I’m back for Part II of weird English fun facts.

Fact 1 – Over 840 million people speak English, so if you’re wondering whether English grammar is important – it is!

Fact 2 – The letter “e” appears in about 11% of English words. E-nglish is appropriately names.

Fact 3 – The most commonly used adjective in English is “good.” Pro tip: Never use this word in your writing if you can think of a more expressive alternative. You didn’t have “good” pizza; you had “delicious” or “flavorful” pizza.

Fact 4 – Shakespeare invented the word “torture.” Imagine if that were your legacy as a writer!

That’s your Grammar Minute! Visit for more tips and tricks.